
Detained (2024) Review: Psychological Turmoil Unleashed

In "Detained," directed by Felipe Mucci, Rebecca (Abbie Cornish) wakes up in an ominously rundown police station with no recollection of how she got there. Two combative detectives confront her, accusing her of a hit-and-run. As the night progresses, Rebecca finds herself ensnared in a web of confusion, deceit, and danger, culminating in a deadly altercation that leaves everyone questioning what truly transpired.

Felipe Mucci’s direction in "Detained" is masterful, creating a claustrophobic and tense atmosphere that keeps the audience on edge. His ability to craft suspense and maintain a gripping narrative throughout the film is commendable. Mucci handles the confined setting of the police station with finesse, turning it into a character in its own right.

Abbie Cornish shines as Rebecca, delivering a performance that is both vulnerable and strong. Her portrayal of a woman caught in a bewildering situation is compelling and relatable. Laz Alonso and Moon Bloodgood add depth to the film with their roles as detectives, bringing a mix of aggression and empathy that heightens the tension. Justin H. Min, as Isaac Barsi, and Silas Weir Mitchell further enrich the ensemble with their nuanced performances.

The screenplay of "Detained", filled with sharp dialogues and unexpected twists, keeps the narrative engaging. The pacing is tight, with each scene meticulously crafted to add layers to the mystery. The script effectively balances psychological drama with moments of intense action, making for a riveting viewing experience.

Visually, "Detained" is stark and gritty, perfectly complementing the film’s tone. The cinematography captures the eerie and rundown nature of the police station, enhancing the film's suspenseful atmosphere. The use of shadows and lighting plays a crucial role in building tension.

The music, with its haunting and suspenseful score, underscores the film's tense moments. The sound design is meticulously crafted, amplifying the sense of unease and adding to the overall immersive experience.

"Detained" delves into themes of memory, guilt, and the search for truth. The film explores the psychological impact of trauma and the lengths one might go to uncover or hide the past. It questions the reliability of memory and perception, making the audience ponder the nature of reality.

"Detained" can be compared to other psychological thrillers like "Prisoners" and "Gone Girl," where the confined setting and intense character interactions drive the narrative. Felipe Mucci’s direction brings a fresh take on the genre, infusing it with a unique blend of suspense and psychological depth.

Engaging Performances: The cast of "Detained" delivers strong performances, particularly Abbie Cornish, who anchors the film with her portrayal of Rebecca.

Tense Atmosphere: The direction and cinematography create a claustrophobic and suspenseful environment.

Compelling Screenplay: The script of "Detained" is well-crafted, with sharp dialogues and unexpected twists.

Predictable Moments: Some plot twists in "Detained" may be predictable for seasoned thriller fans.

Limited Scope: The confined setting, while adding to the tension, may feel restrictive to some viewers.

The film was shot in Los Angeles, with the production team transforming a disused building into the eerie police station seen in the film. This meticulous set design adds authenticity and enhances the film's atmosphere.

"Detained" is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps you guessing until the end. The film’s strength lies in its ability to maintain tension while exploring deep psychological themes. It’s a must-watch for fans of the genre who appreciate a well-crafted narrative and strong performances.

"Detained" is a taut psychological thriller that effectively combines suspense, drama, and action. With strong performances, particularly by Abbie Cornish, and masterful direction by Felipe Mucci, it’s a film that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Highly recommended for fans of psychological dramas and thrillers.


IMDb User Review:

"A riveting thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. Abbie Cornish delivers a powerful performance, and the direction by Felipe Mucci is top-notch. The confined setting of the police station adds to the suspense, making it a must-watch for thriller fans." - IMDb

Rotten Tomatoes User Review:

"Detained is a masterclass in tension and psychological drama. The screenplay is brilliantly written, and the cinematography perfectly captures the eerie atmosphere of the police station. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a good thriller." - Rotten Tomatoes

Metacritic User Review:

"An intense and gripping film that explores deep psychological themes. The performances are stellar, and the direction is superb. Detained is a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll." - Metacritic

FAQ for "Detained" (2024)

When was "Detained" (2024) released?

"Detained" was released on August 2, 2024. IMDb

Who directed "Detained" (2024)?

The film was directed by Felipe Mucci. Wikipedia

What are the main themes of "Detained" (2024)?

The film explores themes of memory, guilt, and the search for truth. Rotten Tomatoes

Where can I watch "Detained" (2024) online?

You can stream "Detained" on iWatchOnline.cc, which is the best source to watch this film online.

How are the performances in "Detained" (2024)?

The performances are strong, with Abbie Cornish delivering a standout portrayal of Rebecca. Metacritic

What is the setting of "Detained" (2024)?

The film is set in a rundown police station, adding to the claustrophobic and tense atmosphere. Google

What genre does "Detained" (2024) belong to?

"Detained" is a psychological thriller. IMDb

How does "Detained" (2024) compare to other films in the genre?

"Detained" can be compared to psychological thrillers like "Prisoners" and "Gone Girl," with its intense character interactions and confined setting. Wikipedia

What is unique about Felipe Mucci’s direction in "Detained" (2024)?

Felipe Mucci’s direction brings a fresh take on the psychological thriller genre, infusing it with a unique blend of suspense and psychological depth. Rotten Tomatoes

What is the runtime of "Detained" (2024)?

The runtime of "Detained" is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Metacritic

Fact Table:

DirectorFelipe Mucci
Main CastAbbie Cornish, Laz Alonso, Moon Bloodgood, John Patrick Amedori, Justin H. Min, Breeda Wool, Silas Weir Mitchell
Release DateAugust 2, 2024
GenrePsychological Thriller
ThemesMemory, guilt, search for truth
SettingRundown police station
RuntimeApproximately 1 hour and 45 minutes
Streaming PlatformiWatchOnline.cc (Best source to watch online)

For more information, you can check out the following resources:

"Detained" (2024) is a must-watch for its engaging narrative, strong performances, and masterful direction. Stream it now on iWatchOnline.cc

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